Three orphans of mixed race struggle to survive on the streets of Saigon amidst the calamity of war, the total rejection of their culture, and adversaries that hunt them daily. Will they live to see the sunrise of another day; that is the question that haunts them during their constant struggle.


Robert Fulton flew as a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War from 1969 to 1970. The events in this book were inspired by a singular event he experienced stepping from a bus onto a dimly lit street late one night in Saigon. As the bus departed his attention was drawn to a pitch-black lot across the street. It seemed to contain a presence; a large flock of birds perhaps, rustling and moving. An army vehicle that was being driven slowly up the street, turned into the dark lot, its headlights illuminating the edge of a large group of children; a hundred at least. Startled, they scattered all at once, disappearing further into the dark night.

After nearly a fifty-year career flying as a commercial helicopter and fixed-wing pilot, Robert wrote his first book, an aviation memoir. He is an award-winning speaker and storyteller and recently developed a script that was accepted by a major film studio for production. This book, a novel, is his second published work.

He and his wife live in Estero, Florida, and enjoy sailing their small sailboat on the Gulf Coast of southwest Florida searching for nature’s treasures and enjoying the unique sights and sounds of the tropics.

Enjoy a FREE Chapter!

Taking this opportunity to read a free chapter from the book will give you an insight into the danger, the razor’s edge of existence that the heroes of the book are compelled to walk in order to survive. Join Lahn and Di.U as they witness Trong Tri and his pirates’ in-crime stage a scene of indifference toward the plight of the Shadow Children.



Carolina Beard

Fulton’s powerful new book shines a light on the unknown story of Shadow Children fighting for survival during the Vietnam War. He captivates the reader with a detailed account of Lahn, Mien and Di.U, who desperately encounter terror after terror as they struggle to create a life for themselves in a society that doesn’t want them to exist. Through painful trials, exciting triumphs, and heart-stopping experiences, Fulton excellently pulls in his audience to a tale that may have otherwise been forgotten. Shadow Children of Saigon is an exceptional read, filled with dynamic emotions from start to finish!


Sally Bacon

Robert Fulton shares his story of the Forgotten Children of Vietnam, those sired by American GI’s, who live on the streets in Saigon. Like a well-orchestrated song, he starts by sharing solos of Lahn, Mien, and Di.U and begins to add the chorus of danger that living on the streets brings with it. He adds the unlikely friendship of an American medic who reaches out to assist the three. Experience the highs and lows of his story (based on true events) through the crescendo of his ending!


Alina Chmielowski

Robert Fulton’s Shadow Children of Saigon demonstrates that true friendship can endure harsh conditions, perseverance pays off, and sacrificial love exists. Follow the journey of three “children of dirt” rejected by both family and society as they fight for daily survival in their war-torn country. Kindness comes unexpectedly from an American GI who feels strangely called to come to their aid. What happens then? Well, you’ll need to read the tale yourself!


Jack Wooster

This story is the story of some of the casualties of war, which hasn’t changed since wars began in pre-history. The story is of the most innocent victims who are the product of sexual unions between the combatants and their support teams, with the local population. These forgotten children are abandoned for a variety of reasons and are left to survive on the fringes of society as best they can. They are vilified by both sides of the conflict and often hunted down to be harassed or even murdered for entertainment. They are the Shadow Children. Their story would have been similar 3000 years ago.

Finally, Robert Fulton, a person with firsthand knowledge, who was there and able to see and document the happenings around Saigon during the late stages of our involvement, has presented us with this bitter-sweet and absorbing book of compassion, dedication, and heroism.

Get Your Copy Today!

Direct from the publisher and shipped within five days, a book with an extraordinary plot (see reviews above) filled with danger. A story of survival during extraordinary circumstances and conditions only war and extreme prejudice can produce.

Colorful, exciting, and memorable! The illustrations from the book are now available in three different sizes.

Read Robert Fulton’s Up in the Air, a pilot’s journey. A memoir of adventure and flight experiences, filled with grit and danger. Visit

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